Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Paris Part III: Activities

Hello my dears and welcome to my third and unfortunately last part of my Paris tips. During the last seven months you had the chance to see what I have been doing around here which is why I dedicate today’s post to the best activities in Paris. We all know Champs Elysées and Eiffel Tower – it is now time for other great events!

Heures Heureuses: Luckily I am reading the metro newspaper in the morning where I found this great event. For one week, selected restaurants offer little aperitifs in the early evening for a super reasonable price at 2€ (and 2€ for a matching wine). Instead of boring crisps or nuts, the places provide extra class food that inspired me a lot. I also took it as a great opportunity to discover new restaurants in the city that are now part of my best choices list. Related post here

Château de Vincennes

Chasse aux trésors: If the Heures Heureuses are the way to explore the culinary places of Paris, the Chasse aux trésors definitely covers the historical ones. Every year thousands of Parisians take part in this adventure, making you stop at places that you easily oversee in your daily rush and appreciating the beauty and the rich cultural heritage of Paris. I usually choose a personal lesser known district in order to get to know the whole of Paris. 

Chasse aux trésors in the 6th district

Andros Matin: Andros is the brand in France when it comes to fruits compotes. In June they want to motivate Paris to do sports and organize a sports event for everyone and for free. During four weeks they offer free Yoga, Body Combat, Pilates and Zumba classes in a variety of parks and finish the whole event with a big encounter with a delicious Andros breakfast. Related post here

Color Run and Nike We Own The Night Run: Both runs aren’t particular for Paris; nevertheless I want to mention them. The Color Run is a an easy 5km run with the main purpose to get coloured from head to toe. For the We Own The Night Nike Run, I think that Paris is one of the best location as the night turns Paris into this very mystical yet beautiful and luminous atmosphere. Ready? Steady? Go!

No title needed

Culture Time: As I don’t understand modern art, I prefer exhibitions of older artworks. I generally prefer the Musée d’Orsay to the Louvre, I love the ambiances in the Grand and Petit Palais (especially during fashion week) and as well in the Orangerie, I lately discovered the Musée de la Mode and as someone speaking four languages, I think that the interactive Mundolingua language museum is a secret treasure. When I am in castle mood, I either take a little escape to pretty Versailles and its enormous garden or bike to the closely located Chateau de Vincennes. When I need holidays in the city, the mosque in the 5th district beams me instantly to the Orient. I could actually go on forever since Paris offers you a lot culture-wise. Those were my favourites but I think that everyone should be able to find his cultural satisfaction. 

Pompous Versailles Castle

International Pillow Fight Day and Free Cone Day: I will mark these days red in my calendar since I had so much fun with both of them. Even if my parents don’t understand the purpose of a pillow fight flashmob, I felt as if I was 5 years old again, laughing, screaming and wildly throwing my pillow around. I didn’t pay with my life, for sure. I am not sure if would prefer to sacrifice my life for free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, but I am certainly not afraid of queuing one hour in order to get my beloved Dough Cookie. Such experiences turn Paris to a fun place par excellence.

Rooftop climbing: Having grown up in the mountains, the view from the top of something is really important to me. This is probably also the reason why I lived next to the only existent “mountain” in Paris – the Montmartre. The view early in the morning when there are no tourists represents a great start into the day. Other great views: The top of Printemps or Galaries Lafayette (with proper toilets in the 5th floor), the Montparnasse Bar (not the platform as the lift price is as expensive as a good cocktail in the bar), the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Buttes Chaumont Park, the Promenade Plantée and so much more. 

Buttes Chaumont Park

Sports: As a fanatic for sports, Paris is certainly not heaven on earth. There are little parks in the city and in general, Parisian girls prefer dieting and consider metro walks as enough physical education (admittedly, metro stairs are fat burners). Yet, I opted for more. First thing I did was skipping the metro and attacking the wild jungle of biking around Paris. Then I couldn’t resist running and either went to the Bois de Boulogne (a little outside but with spaaace) or climbed the Montmartre hill early in the morning before work. Once temperature rose, I went to the Josephine Baker swimming pool, the only one outside and perfectly located on the Seine River. And finally, it was never too late for a little match on the tennis courts in Jardin Luxembourg. You see, Paris is moving!

I hope you enjoyed my little review. Don't hesitate to post comment if you are interested in more things I should share.

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