Sunday, 27 April 2014

Back in time

Hall of Mirrors

Good morning my dears,
I have just come home from a sleepover at my friend’s place – we cooked and watched films until late that night. Sitting there in my pyjamas while eating ice cream and popcorn threw me back a couple of years and I had the feeling being 14 again. It reminded me of talking about all that little meaningful problems like boys that we had a crush on, enemies in our high school phase and the make-up that just didn’t go along with our age. Those nights are memorable and we all agreed that we should establish regular sleepovers, like we did when we were younger.

As predicted two weeks ago, I went off to Versailles again yesterday. It rained cats and dogs which was great for our attempt to only visit the inside of this castle this time. Again we were overwhelmed by the golden decorations, the colourful walls, the size of the chambers (on chamber is actually 4 times my entire apartment) and the bulks of tourists. I sometimes felt as if I was fighting to get to the next room, kicking and pushing Chinese, Indian, Mexican and Italian friends. Most of them couldn’t take the time to really soar up the atmosphere so they rushed through the rooms – while pushing us away.  I guess that they had their bus waiting outside, taking them to the next European sight but still, I felt really stressed by that behaviour.

Enjoy your Sunday! I meet up with friends now and look forward to a short week at work since Thursday and Friday are bank holidays. Woop woop!

Gold, gold and gold
Lusters wherever you look
Marie Antoinette's room
Me in front of the main part

1 comment:

  1. beautiful my dear!!!:)

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