Sunday, 14 April 2013

Potatoes with Spring Vegetables

Good morning,

I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if it is a very small one, it enables me to be optimistic.
The last week I spent mainly at my desk: Finance essay, French essay, French presentation and Marketing project. In addition I had to deal with my consulting project and some classes to attend. All in all a very busy week that showed me how stressful studying can be: In average I had 6 hours sleep the night and I begin to feel this nuisance. Actually, I have just realized that I miss one page in my Finance essay and now I must fudge a story to at least fulfil the minimum pages required.
22nd, I cannot wait.
Cake Pops for the party!
In such weeks I am happy to have friends who you talk to about stupid stuff and you laugh with. As everyone has to suffer the same situation we keep making jokes about everything in order to stay optimistic. Therefore I invited friends over on Tuesday and we cooked together (yes, another recipe!). I also went to a party yesterday night which was best after two days filled with writing on essays, even if I worked on some presentations afterwards.
Temperatures rose eventually and so the following recipe is perfect for spring:
Kartoffel-Gemüse-Pfanne (Trennkost - Kohlenhydrate) Rezept
Source: Food & Foto Hamburg

Potatoes with spring vegetables (for 4 persons)
1 kg potatoes
2 onions
500 g string beans
2 red peppers
250 g feta cheese

Begin by peeling the potatoes and cutting them into small squares. Heat some olive oil afterwards, put the potatoes in it and toss them approx. 10 minutes (or longer for becoming soft). In the meanwhile slice the onions and cook the string beans in hot salt water for about 8 minutes. Then cut the peppers. When the potatoes are ready, put the other vegetables into the pan and mix it for another 5 minutes. Spice it with pepper and salt. After positioning the portions on the plates, crumble the feta cheese on each.

This week the presentations are due. Cross fingers that they work well! And as all the stress is soon over, I will put more emphasis on taking pictures, blogging and thinking about nice topics. So long!

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