Sunday, 28 September 2014

KINDER Surprise

I saw that woman of my age sitting on the doorstep. She was wearing a pink white-dotted dress with a touch of retro. While she hold a half of a KINDER surprise egg in one hand, she opened the little yellow box with the other. Eventually, she discovered the miniature princess. Her delicate smile reminded me of something that I am missing from time to time: Being child again.

It is only now that I begin to appreciate this important episode of life. I understand why my parents and grandparents always told me to "enjoy the childhood as long as possible". No duties, no tax declarations, no life managing (except for tidying up your room). I love the advantages of adulthood such as independence and experience, but quite frankly, childhood is fantastic. This is maybe why I still love sports so much. Or sweet and colourful candy. Or amusement parks.

Speaking of the latter, I went to Parc Asterix yesterday. Eating cotton candy, going on the wildest rides and spending quality time with my friends (as we did last year in Disneyland) evoked and stimulated this need. When I see a roller coaster, my heart begins to beat faster due to the adrenaline, my step becomes hastily, my eyes get such a dreamy gaze and take me to a different world.

Enjoy your week and be a bit childish again. It feels great.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Autumn Inspiration

Happy Sunday!

While we didn't have a wonderful summer this year, it seems that September wants to catch up and pampers us with warm temperatures. That I call an Indian summer! Nevertheless, you know my love for autumn and winter which is why I cannot wait for cooler temperatures to come. They will allow me to layer pieces, to put on my hats, my boots, and to give my style a preppy/country/English touch. I am not talking a lot about fashion on this blog, but today is one of these days that I spend in various online shops to look for inspiration (due to a super tiring week again).

Another source of inspiration is certainly Pinterest. I keep compiling and compiling pictures that influence my style these days. Here are some of my favourite ideas (all via Pinterest) for the upcoming months that I certainly will include in my daily wardrobe-war: loafers, oversized sweaters, blazers, boots, college jackets...

Perhaps these outfits also inspire you. I have to get some work done in order to be prepared for another work-intense week.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

In The Heart of Champagne

Happy Sunday!

Today I could write a review about NYC fashion week although I wasn't there. I could also complain about the stress that made me livid during the week. Or, if you wish, conclude the week with a Sunday post stating ups and downs and sharing my best findings in the web. I somehow guess that you are not interested in any of these topics. Nor am I right now.

In summer I encouraged you to discover your surroundings which was again the mantra I followed yesterday. Since I literally turned off all my technical devices, I cannot share a lot with you except for some pictures (more here) or the facts that I had a great dinner at the Restaurant de l'Abbaye, a very long museum visit at the Palais du Tau, the worst driver in the world, yet one of the nicest ex-colleagues ever and eventually a scenic day in the Champagne hills.

Enjoy your day and have a perfect start into the week! Bisous!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Back to School

Hello my dears,

I am now a senior, a fourth year college student. Seeing the freshmen, I literally feel old although I am only 22. At the same time, I feel wise and responsible to care for these young wild kids and have wondered a couple of times whether I was the same at the age of 18. Probably, I was.

Last year I explained to you my new role in students council and with the first day of the year, the work instantly hit us. Hence, my week consisted of two meetings each day, talking about financing, negotiating with other associations or connecting with students in bars. The first weekend was therefore much needed and it's been the first time in nine months now that I didn't take any pictures. Kind of insane, isn't it?

After my great experience in Paris and a lovely summer I was a little afraid to come back to Reims. Yet, I can tell you that everything's perfect here: the conversations with my close friends are priceless, I fully internalize my new role, I enjoy recognizing all the little streets in the city as well as the traders on farmer's market and even if some classes are boring, I am really motivated to give my best in college. Let's see what this year will bring.

Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the week at its best!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

180 KM

Hi everybody!

Sometimes you sit in your bed at night and suddenly, there is this idea in your mind that sticks forever. This is what happened to me by the beginning of this year: While I have been close to Lake Geneva for 6 years now, I have never ever tried to circle it. Neither by car, nor by bike. In fact, most of the cities on the other side of the lake were even totally unknown to me, thus I decided to include it into my summer resolutions. Originally I planned to do it by bike but due to bad weather and - okay let's be honest - a lack of motivation, I finally took the comfortable car and my Mom with me to see all the beauty of Lake Geneva. It's all about mountains, beaches, packed streets around Geneva and Lausanne, people who refill water bottles at natural sources, stunning landscapes, two countries (Switzerland and France) and a feeling of freedom that is so typical on such road trips.


The Evian Casino
Speaking of a road trip...
Venetian canals near Montreux
Chateau de Chillon
Terrasses de Lavaux
Little girl drinking fresh EVIAN Water

Once again I can only recommend to visit what's right in front of you - it would be a shame to miss it. I also recommend to check out the Brasserie du Savoy in Evian. Their food is amazing and even the appetizers come in huge portions!