Sunday, 29 September 2013

Routine? Not bad at all!

Good morning!

After the first month in my new university, routine found its way into my daily life. I get up, go to uni, do lots of classes and group works and come back home, quite exhausted. Then, on weekends I catch up sleep and continue bureaucracy. And suddenly, I remember: Hey! I am young! I must go out! Meet friends! Do shopping! Going to Paris!

On measure against my dull routine is my cheerleading training from now on. Yes, you read the right way. I am in my uni's cheerleading squad and have training three times a week until we participate at the WHU Euromasters in 6 weeks. My goal: a split (I stretch each night for twenty minutes following this video) My inspiration: "Bring it on!" with Kirsten Dunst that I have been adoring for years now.
Bring it on!
Puff Pastry Orange Blossoms
Another measure: Inviting friends. That I did on Friday night with Spanish, German, Chinese and French friends. Since I had classes all day long I could only prepare a simple dessert: Puff Pastry Orange Blossoms (similar easy recipe here) that we had together with other sweet treats. Then yesterday I went to a birthday party with loads of international students - most of them really drunk.
And while I am writing this, I think: Well, my life might not be the most exciting one, but it is also far away from being boring. On the contrary I am happy to have some kind of routine because I therefore appreciate special moments even more!

Before finishing today's post, I want to show you a friend that made his way to my wardrobe: my new acquired leggings that I found at H&M for 19.99 Euro. Combined with a simple jeans shirt or with a glittery blouse in the night... I have loads of outfits in my mind. How do you like it?

Thank you so much for reading!
Leggings (H&M - similar here)

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Explore and discover

Oh my dears,

What a weekend. It started with a non-functioning toilet on Friday night that freaked me out and made me to a specialist when it comes to terms of being a plumber. When this problem was resolved I finally could join the guys to climb the trees (high ropes adventure course). And yesterday night some friends and me met to have a nice night with savoury pancakes. Due to all the precedent activities, today's one is called uni.
Cathedral's woodwork
View above the city
Magnificent architecture
Empty rows in the opera
It's been now three weeks that I've lived in my apartment in this new city so I dedicated the last week to explore the city and to further decorate my room. For the city-part I used last Sunday's "Journée du patrimoine" when French patrimonies are open to the public. So I climbed the towers of the central cathedral, balanced on its woodwork and visited the local opera. Furthermore I went to Hautvillers, a very cute champagne village in the region. I especially loved the handcraft signs that were spread all over the tiny curvy streets.
Lovely facade
Signs as the monks' hospice
You got the first glimpse of my room here, so here is what I installed this time: a garland with black and white pictures that reflects memories of the last couple of years, fixed with miniature pegs. Self-portraits, favourite snapshots and best friends are now adorning my wall.
Garland with snapshots
Hopefully, see you next week. All the best so far!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Back to childhood

Disney Castle (despite dark clouds, it didn't rain once!)
Do you remember when you were little and dreamed off being friends with your favorite Disney characters? I lively remember those times and actually turned back to them when I headed to Disneyland Paris on Tuesday. Although all of us have exceeded the age of 20, we spent the day like 4 year old girls - smiling, laughing, amazed and curious!

We met Snow White and her seven dwarfs, explored the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, went on crazy roller coasters with lots of inversions, helped Indiana Jones with his expedition and eventually felt like princesses entering the Disney castle. Since we went there throughout the week queues were rather seldom and so we didn't waste any time at all: We stayed in the park for more than 10 hours and finished by watching a wonderful fireworks and light show (video here).
  • A little advise from my side: If you are student, it is worth to ask for a student discount. We did so and payed only 48 Euro for the day but for both parks (Disneyland and Disney Studios). 
  • Favorite roller coaster: Rock'n'Roll Roller Coaster by Aerosmith & The Twilight Zone Tower (Drop Tower Thrill)
  • Favorite park: Studios because the attractions were much better and exciting; Disneyland is more for little kids. I was also disappointed by only having seen ONE single character (Minnie). I thought there would be thousands. 
Mickey and his founder Walt
This trip was a nice change, but still, I am here to study.
4 classes were on my schedule this week, which is not even a third of the total. In nearly every class we have either to deliver a final essay or a group presentation by Christmas which means working-intensive months ahead! But hey, I don't want to complain at all, we are all in the same situation. 

Finally I wanted to show you a glimpse of my new bedroom. In the beginning I had a lot of issues because I couldn't make friends with my wall color. I soon realized that I was wrong. Thanks to carefully chosen decorative items, neutral colors and Emily's tips, I could turn down the girly factor of the walls and fell now entirely comfortable here. In the next weeks, I will complement the oeuvre with some wall decoration. How do you like it so far? 
Bag organization & mini TV
Decoration & friends!
Bed & Couch
Enjoy your Sunday and the upcoming week, see you then!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Grasse Matinée

Morning baguette
Good morning - or shall I better say good day?!

Whatever you feel like what time it is right now, I've just got up and had a more than satisfying breakfast/lunch. My first week of uni in France is over and today's agenda is filled with relaxing activities (in French = grasse matinée). But let's start from the beginning: 

On Monday I met a part my new fellow students for the first time and I was immediately happy to see that they are people just as me. Throughout the week we suffered language classes, grammar lessons, presentations and a champagne tasting together, not to forget to mention the few parties in private apartments. 

Still, our apartment won't be used for this purpose. Instead, my flatmate and I went to Ikea yesterday to beautify our kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms. Luckily we had same ideas on how we want to have the decoration to be done. Besides, my flatmate is the best. 
Best flatmate! Surprise = Chocolate cookies
Later I am going to meet one of my friends for a cafe before I have some other friends coming over for dinner. I put some French crêpes (pancakes) on the menu and hope that we all together enjoy the night.

Last but not least, I totally forgot to announce last week's winner of the beautybox... Tadaaaaa: For security reasons, I don't want to name her but she is a French girl who has already received a mail from my side. Congratulations!

Enjoy your week, next week I'll show you a glimpse of my newly decorated bedroom!
Light festival at the cathedral
New friend on my desk from Ikea
Night out with cocktails
Field garlic tart

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Off to Champagne!

A very early good morning,

It is 6.30 AM and I am already in front of my laptop. My train leaves in about an hour which is why I squeeze a quick post into my schedule before heading to the region of Champagne!

I don't know whether a thing like summer blues exists, but since some people call their depressive mood by the end of winter a winter blues, I assume that there is an equivalent in summer. And I have it.
Unbelievably but true, I am tired of good weather and sun shining. It's been months now that I merely saw a drop of rain. On all the blogs I currently read bloggers complain about the ending of the season; me, on the contrary, I am happy about it.
By the beginning of September I begin to close the chapter of summer. My outfits change from colourful and flashy to darker shades. My music style changes from estival guitar sounds to classical film music. My food experiments change from fruity and refreshing taste explosions to warming candle light dinner menus.
Isn't that a reason to be cheerful?

As a matter of fact, I left my beloved Canon in my new flat. This fact and a quite not-worth-showing week leads to no pictures in that post. "Not-worth-showing" means in the end that I spent the entire afternoon yesterday by the river with two old school friends having barbecue and talking about old times. "Not-worth-showing" also means that I baked another carrot pie and took it to a lunch with my Mom's best friend and meeting her kids. And last but not least,  "not-worth-showing" is about lying in my bed throughout the day and reading Fall of Giants by Ken Follet (1000 pages of love, intrigues, politics and history - how I love it!).

Tomorrow it's my first day in my new uni. I still remember my very first post, when I had the same situation two years ago. But this time, I feel so much more mature and relaxed that I can only look forward to this new episode. And next week you will get a glimpse at its first minutes. So far, have a great Sunday and enjoy the week!